Writing By Writers (WxW) is a 501(c)3 non profit organization whose mission is  to create a rigorous, compassionate and inclusive environment to learn the art of  reading and writing from accomplished authors.  WxW hosts multi-day  writing workshops for people interested in writing fiction, non-fiction, memoir and poetry. The workshops are taught by nationally-known, published authors, who are adept at teaching the craft of writing to all levels of student. In addition, participants learn how to read other’s work critically and apply those lessons to their own writing.

Ends on $25.00

The Writing By Writers Monterey Bay Workshop brings emerging writers into close community with nationally known poets and writers. Classes are limited to 12 participants for manuscript critique workshops and 15 for generative workshops to ensure an intimate setting.
When:  September 18 - 22, 2024 at Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California.
Tuition: $2,000 (before April 1) $2,200 (after April 1) includes one four-day workshop, admittance to all panels and readings, and all meals (dinner on Wednesday; three meals Thursday through Sunday; breakfast and lunch on Sunday) and lodging for four nights. Vegan and gluten-free meals are available upon request.
Lodging: Celebrated as Monterey Peninsula's "Refuge by the Sea" Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds is a breathtakingly gorgeous 107 acres of ecologically diverse beachfront land. Situated within the quaint and scenic town of Pacific Grove, Asilomar offers guests the simple comforts of cozy cottages and historic lodges - and an unforgettable escape from the demands of everyday life. Complimentary wireless internet access is available in all guest rooms. A limited number of single rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for a supplemental fee of $900. Disability accessible and equipped rooms are available. Please let us know as soon as possible if you require these accommodations.
Format:  Workshops are held each morning for four consecutive days. The workshops allow participants to work closely with a nationally known writer, to receive constructive feedback from their peers, and to spend four intensive days dedicated to creativity. Afternoons are reserved for panels by our faculty on craft, student readings, and time to write. Evenings feature readings by faculty and special guests.
Faculty:  Ramona Ausubel, Eduardo C. Corral, Pam Houston, Leigh Newman, and Laura Warrell


Ends on $25.00

The Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot Camp is for the writer who has a full book-length manuscript (novel, memoir, short story or essay collection) and would like to engage with a small group for a  serious and productive response. The extended weekend will include an intimate manuscript workshop, craft panels, readings, and individual meetings – the perfect pre-publication boot camp for any manuscript. Classes are limited to 5 participants.

When: October 30 - November 3, 2024. Boot Camp is held at Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah.

Tuition: Full tuition is $4,500 which includes a manuscript review of up to 80,000 words ($100 for every additional 5000 words), 4 days of workshop, admittance to all panels and readings, and all meals and lodging in a private room for four nights. Writing By Writers would like to thank the faculty for generously reducing their standard reading fees (which range from $5,000 to $10,000 for a full manuscript) so that we may offer this workshop to you at a significantly reduced rate.

Lodging & Meals: Lodging is provided in shared suites with each person having their own private bedroom and bathroom. Please let us know if you require an ADA accessible room. Meals include dinner on Wednesday; three meals Thursday, Friday and Saturday; and brunch on Sunday. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free meals are available upon request.

Format: Classes are limited to 5 participants each and one workshop session is set aside for each manuscript.  Each participant will have their manuscript read by their faculty member and their four peers. In addition, they will have a one-on-one session with their faculty member.

Faculty: Steve Almond, Taylor Brorby, Pam Houston and Antonya Nelson.

Application Fee: An application fee of $25 is required. 

Notifications: Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and will close when classes are full. Although we strive to respond in a timely manner, since multiple faculty members are often reviewing applications, and they have many commitments, it can take a bit of time. Please be patient and you may email us at info@writingxwriters.org to know the status of your application.

Ends on $25.00

Writing By Writers DRAFT! is an intensive program for 15 writers who are committed to completing a novel, memoir, short story, or essay collection over the course of two years. Whether starting a first draft, or working through a new revision, this program is appropriate for writers who want a rigorous and supportive community throughout their process.  If you already have a completed manuscript you want to workshop over a long weekend, check out our Manuscript Boot Camp.

Key Dates: Application Deadline, January 15, 2025; Acceptance Notification, February 1, 2025; Registration Deadline, February 15, 2025; Program Kick Off, March 4, 2025.

In-Person Retreats: August 21 - 24, 2025 (Boulder, CO), February 19 - 22, 2026 (Mill Valley, CA), August 27 - 30, 2026 (Boulder, CO) and February 25 - 28, 2027 (Mill Valley, CA)

Faculty:  Samantha Dunn, Pam Houston and Joshua Mohr.

Curriculum & Format:  The heart and soul of Writing By Writers DRAFT are four in-person retreats where writers will workshop their draft-in-progress, as well as attend craft talks, panels and readings. Over the two year program, we will focus consecutively on the three stages of writing, inspiration, execution and revision. Our final retreat will be a pre-publication bootcamp, with agents and editors in house, where your faculty and fellow writers will read your entire draft. At each retreat, five writers will work closely with one faculty member, rotating each retreat so that by the end of a year and a half, all writers will have studied with Sam Dunn, Pam Houston and Josh Mohr. For the final retreat, writers will select who they would like to work with a second time. Before each retreat, writers will submit their cumulative pages to their faculty and four peers to be critiqued at the in-person workshop (up to 75 pages/20,000 words first retreat, 150 pages/40,000 words second retreat, 225 pages/60,000 words third retreat, 300 pages/80,000 words fourth retreat). Whether in person, or writing furiously at home, DRAFT members will be part of a supportive, encouraging and tight-knit writing community.

  • 4 in-person retreats (lodging and group meals included)
  • faculty panels focused on the stages of writing - inspiration, execution and revision
  • faculty craft talks specific to elements of writing a book-length manuscript
  • faculty one-on-ones to help shape and guide your process
  • reading and critique of 750 pages/200,000 words in total of your draft-in-progress by faculty members and four of your peers
  • the opportunity to work with three different faculty members who are accomplished novel, memoir and short-story writers
  • faculty and student readings
  • a monthly on-line book chat focused on the craft of writing
  • an on-line forum to connect with fellow program members to share encouragement, inspiration and support
  • an intimate and tight-knit community of 15 writers and 3 faculty committed to the same goal

Tuition:  Tuition is $6,250 per year (payable $3,125 per retreat) and includes four days of workshop, faculty one-on-ones, agent/editor one-on-one, admittance to all craft talks, panels and readings, group meals and lodging for three nights.  There will be an additional fee of $100 for every 25 pages over 300 for the final manuscript draft.

Application Requirements: The application period opens July 15, 2024 and the application submission deadline is January 15, 2025.  Acceptance notifications will be made February 1, 2025 and the registration deadline is February 15, 2025.  All applicants must submit a writing sample of up to 30 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman or similar font), ideally from the draft you plan to complete during the program, a project synopsis and a short bio.  

 Application Fee:  $25.00

This is your manuscript to be critiqued in your workshop for Monterey Bay. It is intended for writers who have already been accepted to the program. To apply please go to our website at www.writingxwriters.org

Writing By Writers